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Central Texas Boardgames Meetup update

From: John G.
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2007, 3:35 PM
Hi Gang,

I just wanted to remind you that we will be meeting on the 2nd Friday in July in deference to the July 4 week. RSVP if you haven't and I'm looking forward to seeing you there. Welcome to the many new members who've signed up. I hope you are having a great summer.

Tichu and TexMex
You may be a candidate for the Sunday night Tichu and TexMex series if:
You like partnership card games
You know the difference between a full house and a straight
You like TexMex Food
You don't think Round Rock is on the other side of the world
You can entertain yourself chatting and watching if we don't have groups of exactly four Tichu players
You know when it's your turn in most games
You've played trick-taking games like Rook, Spades, Hearts, Bridge, etc.
You can keep your cards out of the guacamole and salsa
You're not mean and you don't smell funny :-)

This weeks Tichu and TexMex will be at 6:00 at El Arroyo in Round Rock east of 35 from I-79 (the Dell Diamond exit). It's kind of behind a Long John Silvers. See you at "the Ditch".

Remember if you reply to this it goes to everyone.
