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New Meetup: Annual Holiday Party - Food, Fellowship and Fotos

From: Bill J.
Sent on: Sunday, December 12, 2010, 11:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cheltenham Camera Club!

What: Annual Holiday Party - Food, Fellowship and Fotos

When: Tuesday, December 21,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Rowland Community Center
400 Myrtle Avenue
Cheltenham, PA 19012

The Cheltenham Camera Club holds two social events a year, the annual Banquet in June and the Holiday Party in December. This year's bash will have three fun features:

1. Pot Luck Supper. All you can eat and more. In order that there is no duplication of dishes, please register to bring a particular goody. Everything from hors d'oeuvres to desserts is needed. The club will provide beverages. A sign-up sheet will be available at the December 7 meeting, and if you can't attend that meeting, please email our President, Deb Klose at [address removed] with your offering.

2. Flea Market. One of the curses of any hobby is the number of gadgets and gizmos that either don't work like you thought or that you outgrow or duplicate. Admit it, you are not using the first camera bag you bought. Or likely the first tripod. And what about that old camera that Uncle Jules gave you because you were "the family photographer?" Well, this is your chance to get stuff out of your basement and into someone else's hands who will actually use it. Buy, sell, trade, give, whatever. We will set up tables for you to show your wares.

3. Photo discussion. One of the most fun things we do at CCC is share our photos and how we made them with our colleagues. The theme of this year's show-and-tell is "What is it?" and comes from a suggestion made by a club member. Bring a photograph whose subject or technique is not easily discernible and let your fellow club members try to guess what the @$#% you took a picture of and how you managed it.

Look forward to seeing you there!!!!

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