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Re: [Chicago-C-CPP-Users-Group] Person class: subordinate data items

From: James G.
Sent on: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 8:55 PM
Hi Conrad

Sorry to not respond sooner.  I think the answer may lie in what the application is.  Do you expect the Person to be a domain object, just carrying around some data, or do you see it has having application behavior?

thanks, James

James Grenning Author of TDD for Embedded C
On Jun 24, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Conrad Weisert wrote:

I was hoping to get our group involved in solving an important problem We have 301 members, 296 of whom had no comment on this issue, so let's move on. Taking a top-down approach in the still unfinished draft we identified two lower-level classes that need to be designed and defined: PersonID PersonName
The latter is the more interesting of the two.  Some of the questions we now have to answer: 1. Should there be a limit to the length of a person's name, e.g. so it will fit on a mailing label? 2. In addition to the surname (last name, family name) should we limit the number of given names (first name, middle name, etc.)? 3.  What punctuation should be allowed within a name?   What special characters, if any? 4.  How should we handle non-European (e.g. Chinese names)?  Do we need a class hierarchy here?
Conrad Weisert
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