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Giveaway and discount from our new sponsor, IsaBooties!

From: Kerry M.
Sent on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 11:08 AM
Hi everybody,

I'd like to welcome to our new sponsor, IsaBooties, to the Chicago Homebirth Meetup community. My daughter has a pair of their shoes and I can attest to their cuteness and durability! Check out their sponsorship profile for a special discount offerred only to Chicago Homebirth Meetup Group Members.

Also, in case you haven't already seen, IsaBooties is running a raffle on our message board. Between now and Nov 30, anyone who replies to the raffle post will be entered to win a pair of cute IsaBooties shoes for their little one. Check out the post for details and to put your name in the running:

Thanks and welcome IsaBooties!

Kerry Maiorca
Bloom Yoga Studio

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