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Chihuahua Howl-i-days Celebration - our annual Christmas Party!!!

From: Lynne, Baby and B.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 5:56 PM

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to reach out to you as I am not sure if everyone understands that our 3rd annual Chihuahua Howl-i-days Celebration meetup is our biggest event and party of the year.  This is the one with lots of silent auction items to bid on for charity, door prizes, doggie gift exchange, favors for everyone, Christmas game and just a ton of fun.  We are getting donations from many of our favorite people and so appreciate them!  Our location is Fresco's and they have a beautiful deck right there at the St. Pete Marina, right as you start to go down the street for the pier.  Easy to find!  Bring quarters for parking though.

Don't forget Santa Pup is coming out to have photos with all of your BFF's. 

You are not going to want to miss this one!  RSVP today as Dec. 1st is right around the corner!   

We hope to get around 80 of you out to play!  Santa always says, the more, the MERRIER!

Hope to see you there!
