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Taught Class this evening at the Lab

From: Tadhg M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 10:35 AM

Hi, this is just a quick note to say there is a taught class at the Lab this evening.

I hope to start at 6.30 on the dot, so please come early if you can. Materials and paper are provided, and we are in Studio 5, the big room up on the top floor (there's a lift).

It costs 17 euro, and as a special offer, you can combine it with the other classes at the Lab this week (Friday evening and Saturday morning and afternoon) for only 49 euro. This will add up to a short course in life drawing, and since it's Halloween we will explore some gothic and "death and the maiden" themes.

Email me if you need more info about any of this.

All the best,




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