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What we’re about

Civilized Conversation seeks to revive the lost art of face-to-face thoughtful conversation. We're a diverse group of people from different parts of the political spectrum and varying backgrounds. Yet, we believe that it is possible to discuss controversial topics honestly and respectfully, as well as passionately.
We meet every Monday evening (except the last Monday of each month) at the same time and place to discuss a pre-set topic. Usually, it's related to politics or public affairs, but some topics are about religion, history, world politics, or even philosophy or science. Our format is an informal roundtable discussion by all present, with a moderator.

WHEN: Mondays 7pm - 9pm (except last Monday of each month).
WHERE: Panera Cafe, 5620 Balboa Ave., at the front of the giant shopping mall at Balboa and Genesee. Lots of free parking.
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