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New Meetup: Passage to India by EM Forester

From: Amy
Sent on: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 9:52 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Classic Literature and Cafes Book Club!

What: Passage to India by EM Forester

When: July 11,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Dear All,
I am changing the format of this group because I am personally sick of hanging out in bars and drinking. I hope most of you will not mind, as it should be a lot easier for us to talk in a non-bar atmosphere anyway. There is beer and wine here for those who want it, and food at the Bocce Cafe and I thought a brunch would be a nice.

I am going to email everyone on the yes list 48 hours before the event so I can make a reservation. If you don't answer yes, I will assume you are not coming.

Please do NOT rsvp yes for this Meetup unless there is a good chance you will actually come.

Some of you have signed up for every Meetup I have organized only to flake on me a day or two before the event. Please be considerate of me and the other group members. You know who you are and I will start removing you! :)

The book selection for July is:

Passage to India by E.M. Forester

from Wikipedia:

A Passage to India (1924) is a novel by E. M. Forster set against the backdrop of the British Raj and the Indian independence movement in the 1920s. It was selected as one of the 100 great works of English literature by the Modern Library and won the 1924 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction. Time Magazine included the novel in its "TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.

Plot introduction

A Passage to India revolves around four characters: Dr. Aziz, his British friend Cyril Fielding, Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested. During a trip to the Marabar Caves, Adela accuses Aziz of attempting to rape her. Aziz's trial, and its run-up and aftermath, bring out all the racial tensions and prejudices between indigenous Indians and the British colonists who rule India. In A Passage to India, Forster employs his first-hand knowledge of India.

Learn more here: