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Importance of having read the chapter before coming to class

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Monday, August 9, 2010, 7:03 PM
I noticed a couple of people mentioned in the online questions for the courses that they did not have a copy of the book. I cannot stress the importance of having access to the material AHEAD OF EACH CLASS. The process we are taking for these classes is as follows:

1. Student studies the chapter prior to the class (usually at home more on this later).
2. Student practices the exercises at prior to classes.
3. Student answers the quiz questions prior to class.

4. At class, there will be a 45 minute lecture covering the content (and more) from the chapter.
5. 15 minute break for pot, beer, whatever. Ok no beer. :D
6. 60 minutes student team participation. Instructor is available to help, answer questions, but the bulk of the work during this time is to be done by the students. My job is not to give you the answers, but to help you learn how to arrive at the answers yourselves.

With this methodology it is VITAL that you prepare AHEAD OF CLASS. VITAL.

Now for those that cannot get a copy of the book right now, you are ALL more than welcome to stop in my office (please call head of time) and use the materials I have here. You can then read prior to the class and be ready when class time starts. I will even allow use of one of the computers here if you do not have access to a laptop of your own.

There is no donation asked for this and I am here most days from about noon onwards. But I am willing to arrive earlier if I know someone needs the time. So just call me at[masked] to make arrangements.

Also please understand this is my work time. So most of the time that you are here studying, I will not be fully available to teach. That's what the class time is for after all.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards
AOirthoir the one what are offering the free co-working space. :D

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