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Your Standard Holiday Party is Tomorrow

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Friday, December 28, 2007, 11:50 AM
Just a quick note to remind everyone that the party is tomorrow at Dave and Busters. Info can be found here:

It is a PYOW (pay your own way) night. Dinner is at 5pm. I should be there slightly earlier than that. But the party kinda starts at 7pm.

Now if there is a large enough crowd staying later than 11pm, I will stay also. Otherwise I will be heading out (in a cab of course <hint, reminder>) about then, to carry the party on someplace else, where the drinks are cheaper.

Please make sure yens drive safe. Bring anyone ya want (even fam...yes I said it.) And for the naysayers...though I will be drinking, I actually get more normal when I drink. So no worries about crazy Joe dances there.

Look forward to seeing yall tomorrow night and thanks for being part of making this my bestest year ever.

Many kind regards,
Joseph James Frantz

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