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Tomorrow Night's Meetup

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Monday, June 11, 2007, 3:55 PM
Well it looks like we are having quite a turn out for tomorrow night's Meetup. I look forward to seeing some of yall again and meetup some of yall for the first time. Chris, I hope we can meet your expectations considering what you're turnin down to come chill with us:)

Anyone who has them, remember to bring your laptops. There is free WIFI at the hotel. There are also plugs scattered here and there, so you might be able to plug in if your batteries are running low. For the Mac users, feel free to bring your Macs, "Beatup on a Mac User" doesnt occur until the next Meetup :) (see this post: ))

When you arrive at Michael's, ask for the Meetup Tables. I will also have some signs on the tables just to be safe. Hopefully I will be arriving at around 6:30pm.

Mostly we will be socializing and showing off. Folks like me will be oo ahing and that sort of thing. Also though we can throw out some more ideas for the potential name of our Meetup. I will take these suggestions and the ones already posted on the message board and create a poll. Then at our next meetup we'll give the group its official name.

Besides that we can toss out some ideas of what we'd like to discuss at our next meetup. Do we want a presentation by someone? Anyone volunteering? Would we prefer just to continue to have a free form social hour? Do we want to talk about books or technologies? (Did I hear someone ask for info on cobol? ) Basically any ideas yall have just let us know tomorrow night. You really do have a say in the direction your meetup group takes.

Our meetups though will now be on the Second Tuesday of each Month. Thus our next official Meetup will be on Tuesday July 10th. The link for this meetup is at:

All of our official meetups will be at Michael's grill, so there shouldnt be any worries about trying to find the location. This link provides additional information:

In addition I've been talking with other meetup organizers and we are working together on "Super Meetups". These will be unofficial social meetups of several groups. We've been invited to join the Eastside/Westside Nightlife Connection's Meetup on the 22nd of this month. It's got nothing to do with web design though, just so yall know. The link for that if you are interested is:

Also we have a couple of posts on the message board that some of yall might be interested in. If you have websites you have worked on that you would like to show off, you can post them here:

If you know of other local organizations or meetup groups that we might be interested in you can find that thread here:

If you cant make the meetup tomorrow night but would like your ideas for our name to be posted in the poll, the link is here:

If anyone has any questions or problems getting to the meetup you can ring me at my office tomorrow at[masked]. Though I will be leaving out at about 6pm.

Thanks kindly and kind regards,
Joseph James Frantz

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