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August's Study Groups

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Monday, July 14, 2008, 8:14 PM
Alright Yens,

Here's the deal for the study groups. I sent out a couple of emails today about the books we'll be using for the Graphic Design and the HTML/CSS study group. So the plans are now moving rapidly along for those. The study group coordinators will be pre-studying so that come August we'll be able to be a resource for questions of those that attend. We'll also be getting together a Saturday or two to create some basic intro videos as a group (Thanks to Kevin and Laurel for helping with that).

Now we are looking for some suggestions for webcasting. All I need is a site that will allow us to webcast screens (not webcam) from any OS to any OS. I've got in mind something along the likes of but instead of for webcams, it's for screencasts. In particular, it has to be something where my PC will stream to the site, and then the site streams to whoever logs in. It cannot be something like VNC or the sort. So, if any of yall have any sites in mind please email us.

Now for the MySQL and the Programming study groups. Our study group coordinators have discussed this at length and we've concluded we'll want to get the first two in full swing first, and then move to the other two. So we'll get all of the details for the Desgn and HTML groups going. Then, you can expect more info about the MySQL study group in September. We'll have decided on the books by mid-August though.

We're always looking for more volunteers, especially designers. Any help is muchly appreciated.

Any questions you can contact me via email or[masked].

Kind Regards,
Joseph James Frantz The First.

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