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RE: [webdesign-396] Future meetings will be webcast live.

From: dave van h.
Sent on: Friday, August 22, 2008, 8:40 AM

Joe, very cool, call me.


Van Horn



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Joseph James Frantz
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 6:06 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [webdesign-396] Future meetings will be webcast live.


Starting with Wednesday's study group, our meetings will be webcast live. Currently, up to 10 people will be able to join in remotely. So those of you that have been unable to make it, due to distance and other constraints, should find this an extra option to get in on our learning resources.

Up to 15 will be allowed on-site and up to 10 will be allowed to join the live webinar. I am setting the RSVPs to 25 to take into account everyone. If you wish to join us by webinar you must contact me personally in advance so that we can test your ability ahead of time. I will not be trouble shooting anyone's webinar connection on the day of the event.

So all that want to join us via webinar, please start contacting me as soon as you can so we can set up personal tests. The webinars will be free. The costs for webex beyond ten are extreme and we will not be allowing more members to join remotely until dim dim ( ) has their GNU/Linux broadcast tools available. Once that happens, many more will be able to join us live.

Many Kind Regards,
Joseph James Frantz

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