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Milestone 500 Members!

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 4:41 PM

Greetings all!

I wanted to shoot out a couple of new year announcements. Today we just reached our 500th Member. I would like to thank all who have contributed to meetups in the past, posted their own meetups and more. This milestone along with the new year brings an announcement of new Meetups and workshops (all free) that we will be having in 2013. Some things you can expect are workshops on:


Web Security

and much more.

Our workshops are going to be held around the greater Cleveland area and will all be free to the public. So stay tuned and shoot us a message if there is a topic you would like covered.

Thanks to you all for these past several years!

Kind Regards
Aoirthoir An Broc
[address removed]

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