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Our Last Meetup and chat programs.

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2007, 11:45 AM
This is a short note, due to some deadlines I am trying to meet at work. So in a few days hopefully I will be able to post more about what happened at our last meetup. Too much to cover right now though.

What I did want to bring up though was several requests for a chat system. I've mentioned that I would be bringing an IRC network online soon. One of the points brought up about this though was that many of us already have several chat programs, and running another can just add to our headaches.

Mr. Vince suggested Campfire ( I believe) and it looks very interesting. It has some advantages like recorded histories, graphics, file transfers, an API and such. I will sign up and review it, and if the group wants, I will register a room for us.

However, the number of people that can chat at a time are limited. This might not be an issue with our group until we start to have a huge membership numbers, and of those, lots of us wanting to be in chat all the time.

So because of that, for the projects that I am setting up, I will still need an IRC server. Thus I will be setting that up in the next few days as well. I still like the campfire options, so I think I will do that regardless, just to explore it, it looks like an exciting project. Regarding the IRC though, I wanted to get everyone's opinion of a web based interface that one of my downstream is running on It just connects to the freenode network, but should be runable from most web browsers. The link is:

Just sign in with any un-common nick, if you are willing. I will be in there as Aoirthoir. When you use that web based interface it will take you to a specific channel. I believe mike set it up to prevent channel (chat room) changes. But for now it should give yall a good idea what the software can do. Some of the things that are done on campfire can be integrated here at some point in the future.

As usual all comments, positive or negative and all constructive criticisms are welcome.

Thanks kindly and best regards to all of yall,
Joseph James Frantz

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