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wiki and cappuccino

From: ken
Sent on: Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 10:07 AM
Just because I've put a lot of thought into this doesn't mean it's not a
dumb idea.  That caveat out of the way, I'd like to suggest a wiki as
part of the group's website.  We've all got something to share with the
rest, but maybe not enough expert stuff, maybe not enough gumption or
time, to give a full-frontal presentation to the group.  If that's you,
you could post a little of what you know on the wiki and let out that
smidge of enlightenment.  And, sure, if you're an encyclopedia on
something and want to really display your chops, that's good too.  I can
think of a few topics that would probably blossom on a wiki:

There was a good discussion the past few days on the Many Merits of
Standards.  I'd guess most of us could relate a war story about dealing
with proprietary and so would have something to contribute.

I've found that there's a lot of dark corners to CSS that haven't seen
documented... at least not in a way I could understand.  Heck, I've
gotten stuff to work that I don't understand.  A wiki would be a good
place for conversations on that.

Of course we could post our best links there too.  There were a few
posts about excellent tools for web dev.  That's wiki stuff too.

And speaking of wiki stuff, our wiki wouldn't have to be stuffy.  We
could keep it conversational, more like the blog kind of prose than an
RFC.  Which is another topic:  "What the heck RFCxxxx means"...

Software reviews, security, CGI, page layout, GIMP tips... maybe even
HTML?!  There's gotta be at least twenty kajillion topics.

Side note: Those wiki contributor interfaces are a PITA, so maybe ours
(since we're web dev'ers) could offer an option to type in straight
HTML.  (This is more a question than a scream...  or maybe not.)

My $0.02,

PS.  Another idea... Maybe we could have a monthly prize: whoever comes
up with the best idea gets a cappuccino.

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