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RE: [webdesign-396] First Post: Drupal vs. Joomla?

From: Joe F.
Sent on: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 5:00 PM
I solve this issue of "what do I need you for?" by being upfront and honest in the beginning. My conversations in the bast have gone "honestly programming isn't so complex that only certain people can do it. Anyone can learn it, you can too. You can also learn landscaping. But there is a reason you don't cut your company's grass. You're busy trying to do what you are in the business of doing. It's for that same reason that you are hiring me."

Most business persons understand that this is reality.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards,

--- On Thu, 2/25/10, Vincent Miller <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Vincent Miller <[address removed]>
Subject: RE: [webdesign-396] First Post: Drupal vs. Joomla?
To: [address removed]
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 11:34 AM

I'll start with 'imho' and keep it simple for everyone that may be reading.

If you're doing this for clients, drupal is your answer.

Joomla is setup that almost anyone can use it out of the box. Customizing it
is simple with a wide variety of extensions and templates readily available.
It's favored by many because, again, anyone can throw it together and it's
easy to give it an almost unique feel for their site (vs the nuke site
effect where they all shared the same structure, etc).

Now, here's the biggest problem with joomla. All that ease of use comes from
a lot of often unnecessary code. With few exceptions, the more flexible and
complex your code, the less efficient it becomes. Joomla is famous for its
bloat. It's sluggish, and should a clients site ever see high traffic... it
can and likely will bring the hosting server to a crawl.

Another consideration here... once you setup a client with a joomla site and
teach them how to use it... sooner or later they're going to catch on that
joomla is free, and there were likely free extensions that could have done
anything 'custom' you may have done for them. I would think we would want to
avoid having a current/past client asking "so, what did we need you for?".

Drupal on the other hand takes a little more know-how and work to customize,
but in the end you're delivering an actual product. Drupal out of the box is
not flattering lol. Ideally, a dev/design group would build their own
reusable drupal based cms to customize/sell to clients. In fact, this is
exactly what most are doing for small/medium businesses.

I will agree with last users reply though: custom is always the way to go
(if you have the resources available). Nothing will run as clean or fast as
a piece written specifically for your purposes.

-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf
Of Scott McCarty
Sent: Thursday, February 25,[masked]:56 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [webdesign-396] First Post: Drupal vs. Joomla?

Yo what up G?  Spoken like true programmer. But, our main influence is
work" and people are asking for both Drupal and Joomla, lol. Our goal is to
push them into one more than the other so that we can specialize
We have our own CMS that suits us fine, but people want this.

We will talk at the next Linux meeting.

Scott M

On Thursday 25 February[masked]:01:15 gsvolt wrote:
> Hi Scott,
>  Neither.
> For my clients' site, I followed Lerdorf's suggestion of no-framework PHP
>  MVC framework, relying on periodic updates from and
>  PHP isn't only language being used though, there are a bunch of
>  bash,python and perl scripts that are leveraged to accomplish tasks. JSON
>  is being used to expose file assets.
> Database is MySQL without stored procedures.  // My alternative choice
>  would have to be postgresql I personally enjoy this setup. Maybe your
>  will too.
>  I guess your decision will be influenced by sense of urgency of
>  deliverable, and the kind of content the team is tasked to expose -
>  structured vs unstructured etc
>  I would advise your team to adopt html5 and css3 concepts early on, to be
>  ready for any future updates to the web-standards
> Regards,
>  Gaurav
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Scott McCarty <[address removed]>
>  Hey guys, I have been following this list for a while, but this is my
>  first post. I have a question, what are your thoughts on Drupal vs.
>  for a CMS/Framework? Is it worth taking some time to learn both?
>  Which do you like better and why?
>  Thanks
>  Scott M
>  --
>  Scott McCarty
> LLC - Interactive Media Group
>  190 North Union St.
>  Akron, Oh 44304
>  Office:[masked] ext 214
>  --
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>[masked]/ To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click
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> / Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] |
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Scott McCarty LLC - Interactive Media Group
190 North Union St.
Akron, Oh 44304
Office:[masked] ext 214

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