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New Meetup: Web Development SIG - HTML5/CSS3

From: Stuart O. Smith, Jr. - s.
Sent on: Saturday, April 10, 2010, 9:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Cleveland Web Design and Development Meetup!

What: Web Development SIG - HTML5/CSS3

When: Saturday, April 17,[masked]:30 AM

Notre Dame College
Room 30 (Basement Level - Administration Building)
4545 College Road
South Euclid, OH 44121

HTML5/CSS3 - they are coming, but what can we use now? What changes and additions should developers pay attention to? Which browsers support what functionality today?

This presentation will be an introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets 3). We will discuss the questions above and include a few demos of both HTML5 and CSS3.

Note that we are not meeting in our usual room. You will find Room 30 on the lower level of the same building (Administration Building). Go to for all meetings information and driving directions.

Learn more here:

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