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Climb On! LI ~ Hike schedule Sunday, Sept. 27th

From: Paula
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 3:10 PM
Gosh, the temps have been simply amaZing!!! The cool nip in the air is our reminder that Fall has begun :)

For your convenience I below is the next Cold Spring Harbor hike schedule. IF you are interested you must register, there is a "max" number of participants.

You will need a good pair of hiking boots, lunch and plenty of water.

Hope to see you!
Paula :)

? C+ September 27 Sunday. Nassau Suffolk
Greenbelt. Feeling ambitious to hike 5-8 miles.
Here is a local Long Island hike to
enjoy on a Sunday morning! Consider
a trek in the woods and thickets
of mountain laurel where we may see hawks
and foxes. Some rolling hills will pump up the
cardio. The rewards that await you include: a rejuvenated
spirit, taking in fresh air, connecting with
fellow hikers. What more can you ask for? So, get
out your hiking boots, pack a lunch, bring plenty of
water, and please don't forget a smile! Register
with leader Paula Mordini, [address removed]

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