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What we’re about

Wellness Warriors want to live their best life!  How do you do that?  The most foundational steps are eating a healthy diet for your individual body, avoiding toxins as much as possible (many ways to do this!), having a healthy mindset and living a life you absolutely love.

Often we are eating foods we think are "healthy" but in actuality they are contributing to our toxic load.  It's important to know what works for your body!  We are all bio-individuals.  One person's food can be another person's poison.

Wellness Warriors work on all aspects of life including health, relationships, career, education, finances, creativity, home environment, joy, social life, physical activity, spirituality and home cooking.  How you show up in the world matters.  If you want to live your best life you need to work on yourself.  

This Meetup Group is for you if you would like to challenge yourself to improve your health or any other aspect of your life.  As a Health and Lifestyle Coach I am here to guide you by presenting information that will inspire you to be your best.

Join me and other like-minded people who know that a Healthy Lifestyle leads to a happy life.