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Thursday Coed A Sand Doubles player needed- start this week for 6 more weeks!

From: Aron B.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 1:49 PM

Hey Players,

We have a woman in need of a replacement player in our Coed A sand doubles league at Lakewood Park.  This is week 5 of 10, so 6 weeks left, we will pro-rate at $50 for you if you want to take the spot.  Either a guy or gal is fine.  Play 6 games nightly starting at 6:40 pm in Lakewood Park.  Please let us know ASAP if you want the spot.  Pre-payment will be required to confirm you spot, which you can do with a credit card by calling in.  Meanwhile, you can reply to this email if interested. thank you!


The Colorado Volleyball Connection



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