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columbus commons V.i.p tent? anyone interested?

From: Laura S.
Sent on: Monday, July 8, 2013, 9:54 PM

Possible Vegan Meetup at Columbus Commons!! Thursday August 22nd. Who would be interested in paying $5 per person for a VIP tent, and $15 for catered in Vegan food??? $20 total. beer and drink concessions are available at the event. The dates could be changed if everyone likes other bands playing, food could include:Portias Cafe, ZPizza or Pita Hut. I would need a definate 20 participants to make sure the tent was paid for, ($100). This will be a paid ahead event. Kids are welcome, as long as i have 20 adults the kids tent fee will be waived. Please shoot me an email if you are interested and what catered food you would like the most. This is a THURSDAY night, and it will run from 6:30pm- whenever the music is done. :) the bands are Grassinine and The Spikedrivers. 2 very fun groups. :) -Laura

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