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Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be enjoyed...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Thursday, March 1, 2012, 11:45 PM

Dear friend,

Whatever your life’s work is, particularily if you have no clue of what that may be, think of it as a channel for the expression of your mind and soul... 

Make this thought so deep and the feelings so strong through sheer faith, that you can actually feel the marvels of the mind transcending limitations and pressing for expression. Then know that the greatest power (the genius within) will, through your work, come forth...

The work you were born to do will lead you to find previously untapped strength, inner resources and faculties that you never dreamt of, just by following what gives you joy and comes naturally to you.

Become aware of this, and you will soon receive from within all the power, all the inspiration and the clarity that you could possibly desire...



Love & Light

Max Leone & The Conscious Living Dublin Team


As previously announced, a complimentary ticket for the 3-day international festival Body Mind Spirit(BMS) will be offered to each participant on the night; what we omitted to say is that the exibition is taking place from the 17th to the 19th of March at the RDS.



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