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Life is an adventure in Self Discovery & Self Expression...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 1:16 PM
Being in a relationship is to embark on an adventure in self discovery and self expression inspired by each other's presence ~ Max Leone


Dear friend,

A relationship where each partner claims to know each other so well as to be able to predict everything about them, is over…

And that is so, either because they are no longer stimulating in each another the expression of yet undiscovered parts of themselves (which would make them unpredictable). Or because they have such a strong, preconceived idea of who the other is, that all they can see in them, is what they are used to seeing...

Life is an adventure in self discovery and self expression which by definition is unpredictable, and relationships are here to support that process.
If that is not happening, you are missing the entire point of being in a relationship.

I wish you all a week full of inspiration!

Max Leone

Conscious Living Dublin Founder & Organizer


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