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The fastest way to meet your soulmate...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Monday, February 9, 2015, 9:10 AM


Dear friends,

This week I would like to remind you that...


For those who believe in the idea of being destined to meet each other, which some people refer to as “soulmates, the best way to have that happen, is to simply be the person you are meant to become, that the other person has made an agreement to be with…

Because the only way to miss that “appointment”, is to try to be anything that you are not (even if you do so with the intention of making that encounter more likely)…

Because the moment you decide to be anything that you are not, you make yourself “invisible” to them. They cannot “see” you, they cannot recognise the You they made an agreement to meet, previous to coming here…

So guess what? Once again, it all comes down to YOU being YOU…
And everything that needs to happen to you, will always find YOU...

~ Max Leone

I wish you all an inspiring week

Max Leone

Conscious Living Dublin Founder & Organizer


Our next evet (in tow days!!):

Saint valentine is approaching and it's a great opportunity, for both men and women to break downs the walls that prevent our soul mate from finally entering our life:-)Besides, the evening itself, will be an opportunity to meet your partner on the night...afetr all you are all going to be there for the same reaso, aren't you:-)?

For more information about this eventor to change your RSVPCLICH HERE!

THE SOULMATE ATTRACTION FORMULA - With Relationship coach Patricia LOHAN


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