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Everything that happened and will ever happen only occur in the NOW...

From: Max L.
Sent on: Monday, February 16, 2015, 1:19 PM



Dear friends,

This week I would like to remind you that....

The reason why it is so important to live in the present is because everything that has ever happened, and everything that will ever happen, always and only occurs in the now...

So if you are constantly focused in the past or in the future, you are never here...

and whatever needs to happen to you, can never find you



Don't forget our very special event tomorrow! In fact for the first time we are going to have Satsang, which is something different from what we have ever experienced before with our group.

For more information, or to change your RSVPCLICK HERE!


SATSANG WITH KOSI - To Experience the Lasting Happiness and Freedom that Never Goes Away

It is very simple, and it may be the challenge of a lifetime, to discover for yourself that true and lasting happiness can be fully realised to in every moment. Even in the midst of the pain we be experiencing in life.

Purpose of this evening is to have a direct experience of the happiness and freedom that never comes and goes..." - Kosi


Satsand with KosiTo watch this videoCLICK HERE!


Satsand with Kosi for kids (Czech Republic) - To watch this videoCLICK HERE!


For more information, or to change your RSVP, CLICK HERE!

We'll see you all tomorrow at 7.30pm at the Grand Canal Hotel!!


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