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What we’re about

The Bay Area SDR Meetup will serve as a forum to exchange knowledge and ideas related to Software Defined Radio (the software and hardware), and generally aim to get people excited about all the applications that can be realised with the technology. At each meetup, attendees will have the opportunity to present their work/ideas to the group.

Engineers, enthusiasts, hobbyists and people of all experience levels are welcome, no matter what your software/hardware background. Everyone is welcome to submit their ideas/presentations to the pool. For each meetup, a fixed number will be chosen to fit the format. Currently there will be a short show-and-tell section, followed by two 20 minute presentations (e.g. an introduction to an SDR topic and analysis of a mystery signal), and then to conclude a 40 minute in-depth presentation on an application. Suggestions/alterations to this format are welcome of course!

Meetup locations will alternate between the South Bay and San Francisco. Meetup presentations will be recorded and posted online (although you can opt out if you wish).