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Re: [atheists-27] “Reparative” Therapy

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, April 10, 2015, 4:03 PM
Hi Don,
Obama's announcement is great news. This quackery is very dangerous to those it is inflicted upon.
It destroys a young, impressionable person's self-esteem and sense of worth.  In many cases (such as Leelah), it leads to suicide.
For those who are very unlucky, the "treatment" goes beyond counseling, to include electric shock treatments which may burn and scar the body.  A senseless and useless practice, that serves as a reminder of a trauma for the victim to carry every day of their life.
Churches convince parents to subject their children to such abuse for quite a large sum of money (It is a $$$ racket, as well).
Over 12 new states have just introduced such legislation to ban the procedure with a new a push at the federal level.  All of the efforts are being fought by various religious institutions who still cling to the false view that sexual orientation can be changed. 
The good news is that things are changing for the better and we're protecting the young from this insanity.

From: "Don Wharton" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, April 10,[masked]:09:18 PM
Subject: [atheists-27] “Reparative” Therapy

As we know, our nation is on a very visible path to establishing full marriage rights for the LGBT community. Obama has come out in support of outlawing so called reparative therapy. This is major news that should highlight a significant new civil rights battle.

From the NY Times:

Obama Calls for End to ‘Conversion’ Therapies for Gay and Transgender Youth

A 17-year-old transgender youth, Leelah Alcorn, stunned her friends and a vast Internet audience in December when she threw herself in front of a tractor-trailer after writing in an online suicide note that religious therapists had tried to convert her back to being a boy.

In response, President Obama is calling for an end to such therapies aimed at “repairing” gay, lesbian and transgender youth. His decision on the issue is the latest example of his continuing embrace of gay rights.

Full article:


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