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Islamic State in Afghanistan

From: Don W.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 8:41 PM
PBS News Hour just had a piece on ISIS in Afghanistan.  The entirety of the school system in IS held territory is dedicated to teaching children to kill.  They spend much time looking at IS propaganda films on cell phones.  The children as young as 3 or 4 are included in this teaching.  By the time they are in their late teens they are fully trained and ready to die for the cause.  There will be an entire Frontline episode dedicated to this topic at 10pm tonight.

This will be a long term struggle.  The report emphasized that the IS is much different than the Taliban.  The Taliban just wanted to control Afghanistan.  The Islamic State has the clearly stated goal of world domination.  The mass generation of millions dedicated to death for the infidel will have an astonishing effect for decades to come.  Bad ideas can have very bad outcomes.
