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Re: [atheists-27] Sanders and CIRA

From: Woody L.
Sent on: Friday, November 20, 2015, 9:38 AM

Anti-Capitalism vs Anti-Socialism 
A political economy five minute lesson for Bernie Sanders.

Prof. Balcerowicz sharply about the "disinterested" haters economic freedom

- We are seeing strong influence long ago disproved also anti-capitalist. It is not a dispute intellectual, but propaganda - said prof. Leszek Balcerowicz during the conference "Capitalism - Facts and Illusions" in the Society of Polish Economists.

- The main anti-liberal and anti-capitalist thesis has been empirically refuted long ago. For example, state ownership can be as effective as private, or even more effective. That competition can replace regulation. The highly regulated labor market will be better than the less regulated - said prof. Leszek Balcerowicz during Wednesday's conference "Capitalism - facts and illusions" in Warsaw. According to former The Minister of Finance and former The Polish National Bank president recently witnessing a renaissance of anti-capitalist views, which are spreading in both the United States and in France and Scandinavia.

Collectivist propaganda groups

- If we see such a strong effect too long ago overthrown, the idea here is not an intellectual argument, but propaganda - said prof. Balcerowicz.

In his opinion for the promotion of the anti-capitalist values they stand "collectivist groups".

- In any democratic society, we have different proportions of collectivist groups. First, a group demanding that want to get more money from the budget, or from other people. Secondly, a group fighting for greater regulation to protect them from competition or increase their wages for the same effort. Such groups grow together with state intervention. You could call them self-interested stakeholders - named Professor. Balcerowicz.

- There are "selfless" group, which really have their own interests. It's about a variety of economic freedom haters - ideologues who preach that the market is unregulated in detail, is the plane on which outline the worst human characteristics - said b. The President of the NBP. In his opinion, such people are "selfless" to the extent that they do not always earn their views directly, but can gain greater acclaim with their followers. - However, some earning, eg. Selling in large quantities anti-capitalist book. Anti-Capitalism in capitalism is selling well. Anti-socialism in socialism did not sell well. According to the economist succumbing to the influence "Claimers" end well. - If you collectivist groups predominate in a given country, it will not be a happy ending. Or will the crisis such as Greece or stagnation due to the increasing overshoot the economy as in Italy - pointed prof. Balcerowicz.

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 3:39 PM, Don Wharton <[address removed]> wrote:

I love this video including Bill Maher and Bernie Sanders talking about global warming. Even if you have seen it before it is worth reviewing.  It will make you laugh:

On a more serious note there is a lot of material recently out from the EPA Climate Change Impacts and Risks Analysis (CIRA) project.

According to them: “In the Mountain West, for example, the hottest days of the year are estimated to be over 14°F hotter than today...” My guess is that snow pack will be almost completely gone so that water supply from those snows will be much reduced. The problems with California agriculture will be permanent with no chance of fossil water filling the gap. The gorgeous western forests will literally be toast. I don't see how anything other than a desolate scrub desert will result. I have in the past been a passionate critic of the IPCC report because things such as circulation models of the future were held to reliable with low confidence. However, they are the best modeling of the future that we now have. The EPA is now saying that the best we have should be taken seriously. The magnitude of harm to particular regions will be almost incomprehensible. The entirety of our nation will be extremely miserable under this future.


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