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Re: [atheists-27] Mandatory Philosophy in Schools

From: Bo M.
Sent on: Saturday, March 26, 2016, 5:56 AM
Hey guys,
Check out this article from a philosophy teacher that teaches in Primary Schools, here's a direct quote from a ten year old that he came to as a result of a philosophy question.. In response to the claim that “time is a feeling”, a 10-year-old boy thought hard for about a minute and then said: “Time is different for us than it is for the universe, because 100 years passes in a flash for the universe, but seems a long time to us … so time is a bit like a feeling.” 
- Bo

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Siggy <[address removed]> wrote:
I agree that kids are often/usually discouraged from questioning things. I've even seen it in college classrooms which is shocking to me. No wonder people can't think for themselves.

On Mon, 3/21/16, Bo Matthew <[address removed]> wrote:

 Subject: [atheists-27] Mandatory Philosophy in Schools
 To: [address removed]
 Date: Monday, March 21, 2016, 11:56 PM

   I am currently writing a philosophy book and I
 came to the conclusion that the majority of the worlds
 problems can be solved through education, an example of
 these problems are crime, corruption & religion. I feel
 that these problems arise because people aren't educated
 enough to realize the impact of their actions on society and
 of course if something impacts society than it impacts you
 as well. They haven't been taught to think critically
 about things and they are discouraged (and many times
 punished) if they question
 anything about what they are told, they are taught to
 be like robots, to accept what they are told and to do what
 everyone else is doing, as a solution I feel that philosophy
 should be taught in secondary schools as a mandatory class
 and be stressed to the same caliber that math & science
 are stressed, also I feel that scientific information should
 not be repressed in schools, Evolution should be the final
 unit in ninth grade biology classes and the Big Bang in
 eleventh grade physics classes. The stupid questions that
 theists rhetorically ask like "If we came from
 chimpanzees, why are there still chimpanzees?" can be
 traced back to a lack of education in those subjects, and
 other questions that people rhetorically ask such as
 "If there is no God, then how & why can you be
 moral?" can be traced back to an absence of a
 philosophical education. If there were philosophy classes in
 public schools such as Michael Sandel's philosophy class
 at Harvard (view it here
 than I believe that much of the worlds problems would be
 solved because our world would be filled with critically
 thinking, educated citizens. Any thoughts or
 - Bo


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