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RE : Open Bar & Seminar (Free but RSVP required)

From: Mer
Sent on: Thursday, January 30, 2014, 2:55 PM

Dear All,

Most of you asked me if there was still a chance to attend the Open Bar and Investment Seminar and after I saw the huge interest; I went ahead and seceured a bigger space. However, I highly encourage you to RSVP, at your earliest convenience, seating is limited.

Looking forward to seeing you.


Open Bar & Seminar (Free but RSVP required)
  • Monday, February 10, 2014

    6:00 PM

  • After hosting successful events, I always think that we could have done better and relate it to our day to day life and make it educational. In this connection, I wanted to show off my investment and trade hat and organize series of Happy Hours around Investment & Trade.

    We will have speakers from different sectors and industries, at each Happy Hour. At this particular event, the speaker will discusses Stock Basics and How to Invest in Them.

    stocks and how they can fit into your retirement plan. We will cover areas such as why companies issue stock, IPO’s, dividends, the risks of stocks, and how stocks are used in mutual funds and ETF’s.

    RSVP is required.
