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New Meetup: Social Networking Success for Entrepreneurs

From: user 7.
Sent on: Sunday, September 27, 2009, 1:22 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The DC Metro Entrepreneur Meetup (DC Spotter)!

What: Social Networking Success for Entrepreneurs

When: October 21,[masked]:30 PM

Intelligent Office
1100 N. Glebe Road, Suite 1010
Arlington, VA 22201

Social media is changing the landscape of business and nowhere is it more obvious and important than at the level of soloprenuers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Social networking sites and blogs allow us to create a new and different kind of web presence by sharing our expertise, establishing professionalism, and extending our networks in many different arenas. No matter where you promote your business or professional self, the story you tell and the way you take advantage of the platform can mean the difference between getting somewhere and going nowhere.

Jo Golden and Tracey Holinka of Chaos To Clarity? LLC offer engaging, interactive learning experiences to help you increase your success in a digital world. Join us and learn how to create a strategic plan, manage logistics, and develop your business story for social media. All of this socializing can take a lot of time, but when you have a strategy and a clear grasp of your audience and goals, it can be time well spent?we?ll show you how.

About Chaos To Clarity:
Chaos To Clarity LLC (, is an innovative digital education, strategy, and web service company in the DC metro area. We work with private individuals and groups, professionals, leaders, creatives, learners, micro businesses, small businesses, nonprofits, and associations locally and online.

Our clients need to know how to take charge of their computers, manage social networking, develop a digital strategy for business, and have the web presence that's right for them.

Jo Golden, PhD, works with adults from 18?80+ who want to change their relationship to technology by learning how to take full advantage of computers and the Web. She refined her approach to education while working with clients and teaching for more than a decade, most recently for 4 years at Georgetown University. As our digital strategist and web content wrangler, Jo creates compelling business stories for the Web and helps you get your message out efficiently and effectively.

Email: [address removed]

Tracey Holinka, MS, teaches clients how to make the most of computers and the Web while getting their solo or small business online. Early in her 12-year career as a web designer/developer, she became passionate about creating easy-to-use, functional, user-focused technologies. As our Technology Specialist, she creates compelling websites and blogs, in addition to providing clients with advanced computer coaching. She believes that technology ought to be clarified by professionals, not cloaked in mystique to exclude everyone else.

Email: [address removed]

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