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Re: [metaphysics-395] New Meetup: BEING UNSTOPPABLE: The firewalk event

From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:29 PM
ok maybe it was a bit harsh, but the guy is charging 150 bucks in hard ecominic times for information that a good person would give out for free. plus he says his firewalking is a scam right there in the email.

Megan Sherwood

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Shannon <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Shannon <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [metaphysics-395] New Meetup: BEING UNSTOPPABLE: The firewalk event
To: [address removed]
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:27 PM

-----Original Message-----
From: Megan Sherwood [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Thursday, August 20,[masked]:22 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [metaphysics-395] New Meetup: BEING UNSTOPPABLE: The firewalk event

don't send me this parlor trick regurgitated bullshit

Megan Sherwood

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Daniel D'Neuville <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Daniel D'Neuville <[address removed]>
Subject: [metaphysics-395] New Meetup: BEING UNSTOPPABLE: The firewalk event
To: [address removed]
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:16 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for DFW Metaphysics Community!

What: BEING UNSTOPPABLE: The firewalk event

When: September 19,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $150.00 per person

123 somwhere
Dallas, TX 75201

Hosted by: Organizer, Daniel D'Neuville

Location: North Dallas
Exact location to be announced
September 19, 2009
3 PM to Midnight



Why, why would anyone want to walk on fire?!! I get that question a lot. As a seminar leader that uses the firewalk in my workshop BEING UNSTOPPABLE, I have a unique perspective on the question. Curiously, having walked hundreds of times over 1200 degree coals over the past 20 years... that question has never come up for me personally. I never ever considered the... "Why should I?"

I have always asked "Why not? Why wouldn't you want to walk on fire!? Why wouldn't you want to experience a part of yourself that is rarely called into play in your normal day to day? A part of yourself that can do and experience the seemingly impossible?" The firewalk is a physical metaphor, rewriting beliefs on an other than conscious level. It's empowering, because once we KNOW on a deep level what is possible for us, we have no excuses to live a mediocre life. We have a deep knowing that we create the obstacles in our life, and it is our choice to BE UNSTOPPABLE in response to what comes up, or surrender to perceived limitations.

I am also asked if it requires thick soled feet, a special meditative state, or special skills?...
I could coach you across the coals with 15 minutes of instruction, but you would walk away from the experience thinking only that it was neat and cool. A one shot deal... you get that anyone that can walk across the floor, can walk across hot coals. The true significance is lost.

The workshop, BEING UNSTOPPABLE teaches that what is required is a state of body/mind, a way of BEING that is recreate-able and transfers to any area of your life. Most people wait for inspiration, for circumstances, or the stars to align before they take action. They rely on external forces... What one realizes after walking, is that they are the Source of their experience of Life. It teaches how to KNOW, when to take the first step... to listen to the deep quiet voice of guidance within and then focus your intention to take action.
The frosting on the cake is that the workshop also provides the skill of accessing this experience and it's lessons again and again... forever.

One reason people don't walk on fire is the very reason some people want to... it takes away their excuses for not being powerful. After all if you can walk on fire... what else can you do, that you are currently not - that you are putting off, postponing, procrastinating on... because on some level you see it as impossible, fearful, or uncomfortable? Not doing it, reaffirms all the reasons you are currently held back from living the life you want. It justifies a less than existence.

Consider what it would be like to expand your thinking by illuminating what may be possible for you and your life.... rather than live in the grey twilight of limitation and fear... hmmm

For more information: Examiner Article

September 19, 2009
3 PM to Midnight
...if this is an experience that speaks to you, RSVP today,
For more information call: Daniel D'Neuville @[masked]
Regular Tuition: $300 your investment $150 limited seating available

MAYBE RSVP's accepted up until 3 weeks before the event. After which, you will be prompted to provide payment to confirm your place.


Daniel D'Neuville

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