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Start your engines! --Upcoming free comprehensive workshops and seminars in June

From: Genie B.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 7, 2009, 1:42 AM
Hi members.

Just to drop you a quick note, we are planning a series of member workshops/seminars beginning in June, so please stay tuned!

Tentatively planned topics include:
* Real Estate Investing 101 --an overview of various types of real estate investment techniques and each's pros and cons, including residential single family (flips and rentals), multi-family apartments, new development/construction, and commercial (land, shopping centers, etc.).
We will also discuss economic timing cycle and when to ideally buy and sell.

* Essentials of property management (tenant screening, tips, section 8 program, lesson learned)

* HUD Own Properties.
Thorough examination of the HUD program, bid cycle, how to capitolize on "how HUD thinks".
We will teach you everything you need to know about buying HUD properties, as well as share techniques and little known tips we've learned through our years of doing it --and of course, demonstrate our intensive software system which automates 90% of the legwork of identifying and tracking the very best deals!

* Multi-family apartment investment analysys
Case studies analysis of actual proformas.
Examples of how to identify properties witj tremendous upside potential, and how to valuate them.

* Weekend 1/2 day tour of HUD and other currently available excellent investment value properties.
We will arrange a pre-planned tour and walk the properties, as we analyze each in terms of numbers, rehab, etc.

* Instructional demonstration of our highly valuable and unique MLS deal finding software system.

Please feel invited to spread the word about our group and these upcoming workshops, (as well as our special deal finding software if you've had the opportunity to check it out), as we hope to get the membership and attendance level up to justify putting together and holding these detailed workshops.

Your referrals are greatly appreciated and will lead to the growth and success of this group.

Also, if you or anyone you know is interested participating in, or proposing and hosting, an upcoming topic, please feel free to contact me.


Genie Birnbaum
Coldwell Banker Brokerage

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