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Great meeting! & an apology.

From: mickey b.
Sent on: Thursday, September 15, 2011, 9:52 PM


Hi All,

Wonderful meeting @ Barnes & Noble last night (09/14/11) & my thanks to all.  Susan had some charming memoirs from growing up in Bermuda (now you don't hear that everyday),  Robert presented his speculative Bible story (fictional Biblical?) and newcomer Deb read what is perhaps the first chapter of her first novel.  All were well received. 

James treated us to several pages from his action/adventure novel that is nearing completion.  Jim Gard & I submitted a couple of 100 word stories.  Again, they all led to lively discussions not only about the works themselves but of fiction writing in a more general sense.... like where is fiction going in a social-network/interconnected world.  It was brought up that there is a sensational new 'novel' out with over 600 'chaplets' (some only a sentence long!).  Are 100 word stories too long?

Speaking of which.... MY APOLOGIES to one & all for getting the lineup a little confused.  I had thought James was going to read a 100 word story & it was Jim.  Jim, sorry for the mix-up but, not only am I glad you wrote a 100 word story (more challenging than I 1st thought it would be) but also we got to hear it & talk about it.  Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.

BTW, Deb was our winner this month of the bag of gourmet coffee (Three Regions) from Starbucks.  Next month, Anniversary Blend~


For next month: Jim Barrows will be reading.

Anyone else?  We need at least 3 & hopefully a backup.  Just hit reply & let me know.


Well, thanks to all 15 people who showed up & participated.  I continue to find these meetings educational, enjoyable & elevating. I encourage you to stop by one month.







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