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Write a 70,000 Word Novel in 10 Days

From: Eric M.
Sent on: Friday, May 24, 2013, 11:22 PM

Hi, all,

I follow a lot of writing blogs. You may remember a few years ago when I shared a series of blog posts that put you in the hot-seat of a literary agent. I recently read a similarly enlightening series of blog posts from a full-time author who lives off his writing income. I wanted to share this with you because it is chock full of great insight into the life of a full-time author.

The author, Dean Wesley Smith, was hired to write a 70,000 word ghost novel in 10 days. Not only did he accomplish this but he blogged about the process daily and answered tons of comments and questions by readers. I took all the hard work out of finding each post and have included the direct links below. I also included a post from another blog, by his wife, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, who is also a full time author living off her writing income. That post shows the effect that Dean's 10-day project had on their lives from an outsider's prospective and her take on the process.

I think these are well worth your time to read through. Make sure to read the comments too.


Organizer, DWG


By Dean Wesley Smith:
Ghost Novel: Day 1
Ghost Novel: Day 2
Ghost Novel: Day 3
Ghost Novel: Day 4
Ghost Novel: Day 5
Ghost Novel: Day 6
Ghost Novel: Day 7
Ghost Novel: Day 8
Ghost Novel: Day 9
Ghost Novel: Day 10
Ghost Novel: The Day After

By Kristine Kathryn Rusch:
The Business Rusch: Habits

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