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Re: [dachshund-427] Watson

From: user 7.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 8:52 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.
In a message dated 7/15/2013 7:42:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [address removed] writes:

As some of you know, Watson crossed the rainbow bridge today.  He had been experiencing canine cognitive dysfunction (doggy dementia) for a while now.  Saturday at the meetup was one of the best days he's had in a long time.  The vet said that even with the medicine, dogs will still stand in the middle of the room and pee.  It doesn't work for all dogs, and even then it won't work forever.  

It was time for Watson.  It was taking him a long time to get up and down in the morning.  He was spending a lot of time arching his back during the day, and sometimes Kelly (my bf) or I would just go to pet him and he would snap at us.  On Thursday of last week, he bit Kelly on the hand.  Watson was a NE Humane Society rescue, and I got him as a 9 year old.  His records only go back to 2000.  I don't know if he came in as a puppy.  He left us at least 13 and a half years old, possibly older.  

We do plan on getting another dog in the future, but not for a while.


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