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Re: [DallasMeditation] Registration for Loving-kindness (Metta) Meditation Retreat with DaeJa Napier

From: Azi
Sent on: Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 3:23 PM
I want to attend this and may be able to.  I am taking care of my sister and we will be going to the oncologist Mon - Fri for 7 weeks starting next week.  I will try to squeeze it in.   Please pray for us.

Thank you.

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Craig Anthony Leger <[address removed]> wrote:

The Loving-kindness (Metta) Meditation Retreat with DaeJa Napier is scheduled for February 14 - 16.

If you are thinking about attending, please

North Dallas Vipassana Meditation Group
PARKER TX[masked]

Please send either an initial deposit ($50 or more) or the full $175 registration before January 21 to help us plan for the number of people attending. If you are sending only a portion, you can send the remainder of the registration fee anytime before February 07. The $175 registration fee includes two nights lodging and meals, and the airfare for DaeJa Napier, our meditation teacher for this retreat.

Note: Our meditation teacher is not paid for teaching, or leading the retreat. Teacher support is provided solely by voluntary donations given directly to the teacher by students at the retreat.


Retreat announcement:



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