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From: user 6.
Sent on: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 2:08 AM
Regarding the relationship or connection between change and impermanence, I think impermanence implies change, i.e., things become different over time or nothing lasts forever.  Regarding Daoist thinking, change can also refer to cycles of nature, like how the seasons change or the phases of the moon.  So Daoism also includes the idea of "returning" with change, but even the seasons are different in their nature, i.e., this summer was hotter than last summer, or this full moon was covered by clouds or had a ring around it, yet the cycles continue.  However, according to Buddhist philosophy, the phenomenal world with its cycles is still a temporary illusion that we can get stuck in if we're not mindful.

From: Craig Anthony Leger <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wed, August 24,[masked]:51:53 PM
Subject: [DallasYiJing] Change and Impermanence, and the poem “The Dakini Speaks”

What is the relationship between change and impermanence?
We are studying the Classic of Changes. Is there any connection between Daoist understanding of change, and the Buddhist teaching about impermanence?
I have been listening to this talk by Spring Washam these last couple of weeks on impermanence and change.  (I have probably listened to it three or four times by now.) Spring Washam begins with a poem by Joyce Wellwood called “The Dakini Speaks”
Spring Washam is funny, and light-hearted, even though she is talking about impermanence, a subject that most people treat with undue grimness. She talks about how everything in life is always changing, and why that can help us to see how beautiful and precious life is.
You can see a brief bio of Spring Washam here:
You can listen to Spring Washam’s talk in streaming audio with this link:
If you prefer, you can download the talk with this link:
I am eager to hear your comments on the poem and on the talk by Spring Washam.
Also, don’t forget about our meeting this Saturday:

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