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Yogic Healing Workshop Wed March 31

From: Peter
Sent on: Sunday, March 21, 2010, 9:57 AM


DSC_0030.JPGYogic Healing Workshop


This is a meditation class covering techniques on healing the body and the mind.  This class covers a multitude of meditation techniques that were given by yogis as remedies for various health issues.  This is a study of the vibrational dynamics that affect your physical and mental health around money, sex, food, relationships, dogma and spirituality.  It is a more detailed study of the 50 individual sounds in OM.  You’ll learn the physiological considerations during meditation, the inner instruments of meditation, tricks for overcoming obstacles, and activation of the heart.


This is a skills class for people who are capable of meditating on a regular basis.  Classes are offered as a series of  1 ?  to 2  hour sessions beginning  Wednesday March 31 at 7pm.  Class size is limited  and will be on a first come, first serve basis.  Each class will build on meditative skills learned in the previous class.  


 Cost is Love offering.  Suggested Love Offering is $20 per class.    



Peter Merola, a disciple of Paramahamsa Hariharananda (the last living realized Master of the famous Swami Sriyeekteshwarji), has become advanced in the practice of Kriya Yoga.  As a teacher, one of Peter’s unique gifts lies in the ability to translate complex mystical concepts into easy to understand terms.  Join Peter as he demystifies the facets of meditation.  Learn how to increase inner perception, go beyond the mind, body and intellect, and understand some common mistakes and misnomers of meditation.


Date/Time:  Wednesday, March 31  7-9 pm.

Where:  13639 Sprucewood Dr., Dallas, TX 75240  [masked])

Cost:  Love Offering


To reserve: Email Me at [address removed]


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