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Its going to be a good weekend.

From: Ian
Sent on: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 5:49 PM
Hey gang,

Its going to be a good weekend for KC dance members. This friday we have a meet up at Swing Salsa Tango, where people will of course be dancing swing, salsa, and the tango. If you have never been to a social dance event this will be a great one to go. Howards events are usually a lot of fun! if you dont know any of the dances, dont sweat his people are very good at getting you on the dance floor and teaching you a thing or two.

Also this Saturday we have West Coast Swing take over at Avalon Ultra lounge. Free west coast swing lesson at 9pm. Ladies drink for free until until 12. RSVP by Saturday 5pm get VIP service complete with bottle service. The areas top DJ's will be spinning top 40 music so even if you dont dance WCS come out to shake your tail feather.

You joined this group to dance. So dont be lame like your "non dance" friends, come out this labor day weekend and start dancing. Meet lots of cool people with similar interest and learn some new moves.

Hope to see you out,
Ian Staten