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New Meetup: Conversation and Dance at Medjool Lounge

From: user 5.
Sent on: Friday, April 23, 2010, 4:03 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Francisco Dance Enthusiasts!

What: Conversation and Dance at Medjool Lounge

When: Friday, May 21,[masked]:00 PM

Medjool Restaurant/Lounge
2522 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

We invite all of you to attend the San Francisco Spanish Social Friday at Medjool Lounge in San Francisco!

WHEN: Friday, May 7

8 pm - 2 am

Medjool Lounge
2522 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 550 - 9055

Note after 10pm there is a $10 cover charge so come early. We have a couch reserved on the 2nd floor near the bar.

The best time for conversation is 8 - 10:30 pm. Dancing starts around 10:30 - 2 am on the first floor.

Medjool is between 21st St and 22nd St. in the Mission District of San Francisco. More details available at: http://www.medjoolsf....

Medjool is less than 3 blocks north of the 24th/Mission BART station. Taking public transportation is highly advised. BART, Caltrain, and MUNI maps and schedules are available at


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