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Father's Day Coffee and a Newspaper

From: Lisa
Sent on: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 10:19 AM
Hi friend,

If family commitments don't prevent you, please join us this Sunday with the Smart Asses drinking coffee and reading the paper. We'll all be drinking tea or coffee, eating, talking, and seat hopping around the table, chin high in newsprint. Only this time, we got COUCHES in the BACK ROOM!

This week we're starting at a nice, comfortable 11:00 at the Spot Cafe + Lounge in Culver City. Come when you can.

Spot Cafe (no relation to our Spot) serves fresh, organic food, grilled paninis, sandwiches, croissants and bagels and I was told you can get eggs if your just getting out of bed like me.

I promise a good time and that you'll talk to someone very interesting, or fun, or both.

Hope to see you!

Lee Lee

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