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What we’re about

"There are some things that cannot be proven, you just have to believe.. I know God because I have faith." I say, bullcrap. 

This group is open not only to our atheist or agnostic friends, but also to theists willing to debate us on purely rational and logical grounds (not many, hopefully :) ). Except in times of debates, this group is meant for liberal free flow of thought, where we can build a community without religious restraints, let it all out and hopefully enhance our understanding of the big picture too. 

The theme and venue of each meetup will be determined to a large extent based on our Mavericks' views. Profanities will be strictly moderated and minimized. Attacks on individuals on any basis will not be tolerated, as we only attack insensible ideologies and not people.

You know what this is about. So come Maverick, talk.