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Hope you will be able to attend tomorrow's meetup with Christine Hart

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Friday, July 27, 2012, 9:16 AM

Christine Hart practiced medicine for 30 years, but always felt there was something missing in the larger picture of healing.  She was born with intuitive gifts that were misunderstood and buried, until they resurfaced in Lakota ceremony and in her medical practice.


Come learn about how she made the transition from traditional medicine to alternative practices.

She has been working with shamanic processes and offers sessions in Boulder using various modalities. Christine will share her journey of transition from allopathic (traditional) medicine to energetic healing practices. There will also be a drawing for a complimentary session with Christine!


Christine is one of Sally Beckett-McCollum's teachers and mentors, and was recommended to me (by Sally).  as one of the presenters of a meetup.


For this reason, I think this meetup will be especially interesting and informative.


Hope you can join us!

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