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Additional Meetup Day

From: Kendara L.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 8:50 PM
Hi Everyone

The response to adding another Meetup each month (for those who cannot make Saturday's, or just want another day) has been so favorable, we're going to do it! The first weeknight meetup will be Thursday, June 25th, from 6:30 to 8:30. People can share their experiences and what aspects of metaphysics they would like to discuss/learn more about. This will kind of be an open forum, with anyone who wants to participate, doing so. Some of you have emailed me, offering to present. Please continue to do this, including the areas you would like to do this in. Also, please let me know about any subjects, areas you would like to delve into.
This is really going to be great! I will let you know more, as I know more.

Please remember to RSVP


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