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Conversations with the Spirit world Event

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, September 11, 2009, 11:40 PM

Conversations with the Spirit world / An evening of Spirit with Psychic Medium Debra Becker

Friday October 2nd 2009

7:00PM Celtic harp

7:30 PM Debra Becker


At: The Mishawaka Inn

13714 Poudre Canyon Hwy.

Bellvue, CO 80512


Tickets $25 in advance/ $30 in person

Seating is limited


Psychic Medium Debra Becker...

"Our loved ones have a message for us!"

"We have a purpose with our loved ones and it doesn't end when we pass."

Join us at The Mishawaka Inn for an Evening of Spirit connection, live audience readings, healing, and community.

"...she is one of the most compassionate, kindest and accurate mediums...she works from the heart."

John Holland
Psychic Medium & Author

Don't miss this chance to connect!


C, October 2,

"...she is one of the most compassionate, kindest and accurate mediums...she works from the heart."


Check out this link above for more info and to order your tickets.

Please let me know if you plan on going and I will look for you there.


Love and Light,


Melinda Crowe

Jewelry Designer

Spiritual Intuitive Counselor

Medium- Spirit Messenger

Melinda's Lightworker Services & Jewelry

[address removed]



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