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Call for Presentations - DevSummit 2012

From: Amy N.
Sent on: Thursday, January 12, 2012, 1:25 PM

The 2012 DevSummit is sneaking up on us here and pretty soon we’re going to find ourselves hanging out at the Palm Springs Convention Center, getting to know one another, and very importantly, attending the User Presentations!

Why does everyone enjoy attending the user presentation track? Because those that present are the ones that the developer community personally select to present at DevSummit. There are no other sessions where the community has a say-so. Here is where developers get to share their topic of interest, project, tip or trick, or lesson they’ve learned in their work. It’s wicked fun and also a nice way of learning what other developers have going on in their corners.

If you would be interested in submitting an abstract for a 30-minute user presentation, please visit the ArcGIS Ideas site ( > Service > DevSummit 2012. For the nitty gritty on do’s and don’ts for the presentations, please see the 2012 Esri Developer Summit Call for Presentations.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 12th, so get your abstracts in pronto!

Voting begins on Friday, January 13th – Monday, January 23rd. You won’t want to miss this part. This is where you see who the winners are based on the community votes. Hopefully you’re one of them.

Best of luck to ya mate, and we’ll see you at the Esri 2012 DevSummit!