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What we’re about

We are a social group exclusively run by and for autistic adults. We get together regularly around 3 times a month to enjoy each other's company, and members can also suggest and host other fun activities like board game nights,  movie nights, restaurant outings, and more, autistic style!  

"Adults" means 18 and up, and we currently span 18 to mid 60s in regular attendees. We are open to self diagnosed-peer confirmed individuals as well as those diagnosed by a professional diagnostition. 

We are a social group and not at all a "tea and sympathy" type support group. But we often find the validation of connecting with others similar to ourselves to be very supportive! 

Once you join please take a moment to look over the list of rules and guidelines so we can all support each other to have the best time together! (important highlights: 1. Some of us have immune issues and no one likes to be sick, so please stay home til at least 3 days past resolution of any symptoms of contagious illness. 2. Touch others only after obtaining consent: many of us are touch sensitive or averse, but others love hugs sometimes! Bodily autonomy is essential so make sure you ask each time before touching anyone)

A note to parents and caregivers of autistic adults: DoP requires that ONLY autistic adults apply to join this group; if you are not on the autism spectrum, please have the autistic adult themselves create a profile and request to join. If you need more information or have questions, please send us a message. If you are an autistic individual who needs accommodations to attend, also please let us know about your situation.